Okładka książki The Science of Sex

The Science of Sex

Autor: Moyle Kate
wysyłka: 48h
ISBN: 9780241593295
EAN: 9780241593295
oprawa: Twarda
format: 17.5x22.5cm
język: angielski
liczba stron: 256
rok wydania: 2023
(0) Sprawdź recenzje
20% rabatu
72,40 zł
Cena detaliczna: 
90,00 zł
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koszty dostawy
Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 72,40

Opis produktu

An engaging manual exploring the many scientific, practical, and emotional aspects of pleasure, for you and your partner(s) An empowering re-education to fix our broken sexual culture. Dispelling the myth that everyone else is having "perfect sex", or even that there is such a thing, this book explores taboos, debunks myths, and brings together the latest research to a topic that has preoccupied the vast majority for millennia. Reframing assumptions about sex, and moving away from a shame-based approach to a pleasure-focused, biopsychosocial one, Kate Moyle, a certified psycho-sexologist and relationship therapist, aims to encourage curiosity and pleasure, open up a variety of perspectives and voices, build awareness and discovery, and enable readers to think about sex holistically. With a question-and-answer format directly addressing the reader, you can discover the sex you like having and move to a place of more acceptance, less judgement, and the freedom to be curious. Up to date and inclusive of all genders, bodies, and sexualities, this is a sex re-education, empowering you to explore your preferences, expand your horizons, and maximize you and your partner(s) potential for rewarding, and intimate sex.
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