Okładka książki Three Novels by Cesar Aira

Three Novels by Cesar Aira

Autor: Aira Cesar
Wydawca: Penguin Books
wysyłka: niedostępny
ISBN: 9780241984505
EAN: 9780241984505
oprawa: Miękka
format: 11.0x18.0cm
język: angielski
liczba stron: 326
rok wydania: 2018
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Opis produktu

In Ghosts, a group of immigrant workers and their families are squatting on the haunted construction site of a luxury condominium building. One teenage girl's interest in the ghosts on the site becomes so intense that her mother realizes her life is in the balance. An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter tells of a point in the life of German painter Johann Moritz Rugendas, when he visits Latin America to paint its spectacular landscapes. And in The Literary Conference, a young translator called César Aira travels to a literary conference, intent on world domination . . .
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