Celebrate forty years with this special gold foiled edition of Rod Campbell's classic lift-the-flap book, Dear Zoo, with a host of favourite zoo animals and flaps to lift on every page.
'I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet . . .'
Young ch
Lift the flaps and join in the fun with Rod Campbell's classic, Dear Zoo, with bright, bold artwork and a whole host of favourite animals.
'I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet . . .'
Young children will love lifting the flaps to discover
Join in the fun with a visit to the zoo and play peekaboo with all your favourite animals in The Boo Zoo, a chunky board book with large fold-out flaps from Rod Campbell, creator of the bestselling preschool classic, Dear Zoo.
At the Boo Z
"Rod Campbell's preschool classic Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with children and parents alike ever since it was first published in 1982. Even babies and young toddlers can enjoy the story with the Dear Zoo Animal Shapes Buggy Book.
"Rod Campbell's preschool classic Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with children and parents alike ever since it was first published in 1982. Babies and young toddlers can enjoy the fun of the story with the Dear Zoo Buggy Book.
Use t
"Rod Campbell's preschool classic Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with children and parents alike ever since it was first published in 1982. Now even very young children can join in the fun and draw their own zoo!
Toddlers will be kept
"Rod Campbell's classic lift-the-flap book Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with toddlers and parents alike ever since it was first published in 1982. With My Pocket Zoo children can meet 19 different zoo animals, including some from the
"Rod Campbell's preschool classic Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with toddlers and parents alike ever since it was first published in 1982. Very young fans will love this brilliant early learning spinner book.
Dear Zoo Spin and Say is
"Rod Campbell's classic lift-the-flap book Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with toddlers and parents alike ever since it was first published in 1982. With Dear Zoo Book and Story Blocks children can have fun reading the story as they bui
I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet . . .'
Rod Campbell's classic lift-the-flap book Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with toddlers and parents alike ever since it was first published in 1982.
Young children will love lifting the flaps
What kind of pet would you like from the zoo? An elephant, a lion, a snake - or something a bit smaller, and cuddlier and playful? Lift the flaps and see what has been sent - it's bound to be a surprise! And just when you think they'll NEVE
Napisałem list do Zoo, by przysłali mi... Otwórz przesyłki i sprawdź, co dostałem. Zabawna historia z wieloma niespodziankami. Kochane Zoo zostało opublikowane po raz pierwszy w 1982 roku. Od tego czasu nieprzerwanie króluje na listach best
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