Okładka książki Thank You, Jeeves

Thank You, Jeeves

Wydawca: Penguin Books
wysyłka: niedostępny
ISBN: 9781787461062
EAN: 9781787461062
oprawa: Miękka
format: 13.0x20.0cm
język: angielski
liczba stron: 264
rok wydania: 2023
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‘The Funniest writer ever to put words on paper’ Hugh Laurie ‘I mean, if you're asking a fellow to come out of a room so that you can dismember him with a carving knife, it's absurd to tack a 'sir' on to every sentence. The two things don't go together.’ The odds are stacked against Chuffy when he falls head over heels for American heiress Pauline Stoker. Who better to help him win her over but Jeeves, the perfect gentleman’s gentleman. But when Bertie, Pauline’s ex-fiancé finds himself caught up in the fray, much to his consternation, even Jeeves struggles to get Chuffy his fairy-tale ending. ‘The ultimate in comfort reading. For as long as I’m immersed in a P.G. Wodehouse book, it’s possible to keep the real world at bay and live in a far, far nicer, funnier one where happy endings are the order of the day’ Marian Keyes
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