Okładka książki Mindful Menopause

Mindful Menopause

Wydawca: Vermilion
wysyłka: niedostępny
ISBN: 9781785042942
EAN: 9781785042942
oprawa: Miękka
podtytuł: how to have a calm and positive menopause
format: 13.5x21.5cm
język: angielski
liczba stron: 338
rok wydania: 2021
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66,34 zł
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Opis produktu

With the right tools, you can change your experience of menopause. In this supportive book, and its ten relaxing audio downloads, mindful hypnotherapist Sophie Fletcher equips you with powerful skills to manage the challenges of perimenopause and menopause. Drawing on years of experience helping women at times of transition, Sophie will show you: Effective ways to harness the mind, body and hormone connection Visualisations, affirmations and mindfulness exercises to reduce anxiety and stress Techniques to ease insomnia, weight gain and hot flushes Mindful Menopause will ensure you feel empowered, in control and ready to embrace this liberating time of life.
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