Rudolf Jansen

Okładka książki Schubert: Elly Ameling Sings Schubert
1. Im Frühlung, D. 882 2. Frühlingsglaube, D. 686 3. Erlafsee, D. 586 4. Der Schmetterling, D. 633 5. Dedication to Maurice Abravanel 6. An den Mond, D. 259 in E-Flat Major 7. An den Mond, D. 193 8. Der Einsame, D. 800 9. An die Entfernte,
15% rabatu
24,99 zł
Okładka książki Wolf: Italienisches Liederbuch, Morike - Lieder
Although Wolf was not at all happy about being branded a composer of the late Romantic German lied, he did in fact devote most of his career to the genre, and the labelling seems an especially fair one given that he did effectively bring th
15% rabatu
29,90 zł
Okładka książki Grieg: Songs
Although famous for his evergreen Piano Concerto and the music he composed for Ibsen's Peer Gynt, Grieg's output is dominated by short works -- exquisite miniatures for piano and song. In the pantheon of composers influenced by the traditi
15% rabatu
84,90 zł
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