Vakhtang Kipiani

Okładka książki Country of feminine w.ukraińska
Prominent Ukrainian women of the 20th century often go unnoticed. Some may hear about the fate of some of the heroines of this book for the first time, but their role in Ukrainian history should not be underestimated. These are doctors, tea
23% rabatu
36,31 zł
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Okładka książki Second World. Unagrade stories: (not) ours... UA
The war has divided families, taken lives, crippled destinies... Knowing and remembering is important at all times. Even after many decades, new details, memories and testimonies appear. o The (un) our war is not only for the Motherland, bu
23% rabatu
33,20 zł
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Okładka książki We were born a great hour w.ukraińska
We were born a great hour w.ukraińska
Wydawca: Vivat
wysyłka: niedostępny
The Ukrainian liberation movement of the 20th century, and in particular the activities of the OUN and the UPA, are among the little-studied phenomena of the past without which the phenomenon of independent Ukraine cannot be grasped. "We we
36% rabatu
26,70 zł
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