Okładka książki The Everything Token

The Everything Token

Wydawca: Penguin Books
wysyłka: 48h
ISBN: 9780241692035
EAN: 9780241692035
oprawa: Miękka
format: 15.0x23.0cm
język: angielski
liczba stron: 280
rok wydania: 2024
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20% rabatu
72,40 zł
Cena detaliczna: 
90,00 zł
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Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 72,40

Opis produktu

NFTs cause excitement and skepticism. How much value can a token hold? What drives this value? The Everything Token is an essential primer on NFTs (non-fungible tokens), explaining their use, purpose, and how businesses can create and exploit them to develop new product lines, building customer loyalty and increased revenues at the same time. Together, Stephen, a marketing professional, and Scott, a Harvard Business School professor, have spent much of the past few years embedded in NFT communities and helping launch NFT products. As self-described beta testers of this brand-new technology, they’ve seen its power first-hand and aim to educate others on the importance, uses and purpose of NFTs and surrounding, ever-evolving technologies. Demystifying the complexities, two experts in NFTs show why we should take NFTs far more seriously than their reputation as fun digital art collectibles suggest. They have a wider variety of uses than one may realise. Gripping and accessible, this book provides a guide and an insight into what can often be a hard-to-grasp area of technology.
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