Okładka książki Bruckner: Complete symphonies

Bruckner: Complete symphonies

wysyłka: niedostępny
EAN: 5028421947075
oprawa: Kartonowa
format: 13.0x13.0cm
język: angielski
rok wydania: 2015
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15% rabatu
102,53 zł
Cena detaliczna: 
119,99 zł
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koszty dostawy
Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 102,53

Opis produktu

Born in the tiny village of Ansfelden, near Linz, Anton Bruckner -- the son and grandson of village teachers -- is today considered one of the most innovatory figures of the late 19th century. The composer is primarily remembered for his symphonies, monumental works that represent the final stage of Austro-German Romanticism and which are given first-rate performances in this much-lauded recording of the cycle. The collection also includes Bruckner's Symphony No.0 -- a work that is something of a phenomenon in music history, given that it was never assigned a number by its composer. Due to Bruckner's evident unhappiness with the piece and its subsequent exclusion from the cycle, the work is rarely performed, but nevertheless its rich harmonic language and polyphonic character are wholly characteristic of the composer's symphonic style -- one which increases in length as the cycle progresses. The influence of Wagner, Bruckner's idol who he worshipped with an almost neurotic obsession, permeates throughout -- there are echoes of Siegfried and Parsifal among other operas -- and then of course there are the Adagios: sublime, timeless works of art in their own right. Joining the Saarbrücken Radio Symphony Orchestra and Stanislaw Skrowaczewski (Symphony No.0) is the acclaimed Staatskapelle Dresden, directed by eminent German conductor Eugen Jochum. '... The set is a document of considerable worth. Jochum's dedication to Bruckner's music throughout a long and distinguished career has been exemplary; he loves the music deeply and communicates that love with fervour.' Gramophone Other information: - The complete Bruckner symphonies (including "Die Nullte") , the classic and authorative recording of the glorious Staatskapelle Dresden conducted by Bruckner veteran Eugen Jochum, never having lost any of its grandeur, lucidity and spirituality. - Extensive liner notes on each symphony in the booklet.
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